• by George Hammond-Hagan
  • 12 June 2017

Studytracks in The Times

The Times has strong ties to education and a strong readership within the teaching faculty, so when they called to write something about us, we were very happy to oblige them with the information needed. They quite quickly grasped the potential of the app and our use for engagement.

'Seeing a teenager with headphones over their ears while they are supposed to be studying is enough to infuriate most parents. Now it turns out pupils really may be revising, even while listening to drum and bass.'

If you want - use a trial subscription to get past the paywall and have a read by clicking here.

We were published in the paper and online over the weekend of April the first (no joke) and made a splash! Not only were we in the paper but the BBC then also released on April the 2nd a nice page about Aprils Fools… good to see we were in such good company on the page. Click here to see us at number 3 on the list.